Thursday, 10 December 2020

Christmas Tree

 This afternoon,  we decorated our Christmas tree. Lights, baubles,  tinsel, angel on top. 

I was going to make some mince pies,  too,  but that will have to wait until tomorrow. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. And a happy Christmas to you, too.

  2. Your tree is beautiful! Getting it up and decorated does help to get you in the Christmas mood doesn't it? Enjoy the peace and joy of the season.

  3. What a beautifully decorated tree Carruthers.

  4. Oh, that does look lovely.
    Mine will be going up at the weekend I think.

  5. Still to do ours, think this weekend is feeling right - lovely tree :)

  6. Thanks for all these comments, everyone. I'm a real sucker for tinsel, baubles and lights on a tree. I can spend ages staring into the mysterious world they create. I hate taking it down in January, too!

  7. Hello , a new shiny spoon , popping in to say hello.


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