Saturday, 12 December 2020

All Change!

Having a domestic day here.  Shuffled the seating round in the living room this morning. The effect was partially successful.  Isn't it funny how when you have a plan,  problems and possibilities you didn't foresee crop up as you go along?  With settee one at an angle, the coffee table just won't "go", etc. And we have to get things just right. My partner, G, uses a wheelchair and can only manage a few steps without one. When the first lockdown kicked in in March, we'd secured a grant and were just about to have a stairlift installed. With our staircase this was going to be a whole day's work for three people. Since having people in like that would be a very bad idea, the project has had to be postponed. We've evolved workarounds though, and life as it is is comfortably liveable for both of us for now, I think.

I can now sit on the other side of the room. Since we've hardly been anywhere for several months this is actually quite exciting! I can now see out the window when I sit in the living room and G can see the Christmas tree.  Until today it was the other way round. (Yes, I realise that sounds quite comical. It is).

Had to have a good hoover round of course. There was all sorts underneath the settees, including a ball of shredded paper no doubt made by a mouse the cat had brought in. Once it was all sorted out, I made a big pot of coffee, sat in my new location and typed this. I'm going to get off because, if I do, I might just have time to make some mince pies.

I was writing the other day about a bizarre flying saucer hoax from way back in 1967. As a result, Bonnie left me a great link to a news story I'd missed about an Israeli ex-security chief who claimed Trump was in touch with aliens. It put me in mind of a short film I've always really liked - liked so much, in fact, that I've shared it here and there on the internet many times! Apologies to any readers who've seen it before. There again, like me, perhaps you never tire of watching it:

Is baking always this messy? I include this photo for the amusement of more experienced mince pie makers than myself. 


  1. It's always a nice change when you can rearrange your furniture. We have two cats so when I move furniture I always find lost toys and the cats love it.

    That film is quite strange. Something about it reminded me of an old TV series "Twin Peaks". It had a similar odd mood to it.

    Yes, baking is messy. Enjoy your mince pies!

    1. Strange in a wonderful way, I think. I've not watched Twin Peaks - it keeps popping up, though, so I think I will. I have watched Eraserhead which is also by David Lynch. That's a very strange film!

  2. Domestic days are satisfying ones. I have one every day after my night shifts to get things back in order x

    1. They are indeed - although I don't expect them to be at the outset and have to steel myself. When I get going, I enjoy it!

  3. Well if you can sort the furniture out, I'm sure you can sort out how to be neat and tidy to make mince pies.

    1. I've been thinking about this. I think making a mess is part of the fun of baking. But if you don't want to make a mess you need to get good at making pastry that doesn't stick to your rolling pin. That way you don't need to keep chucking flour everywhere!

  4. Messes can always be cleaned. The important part is the baked goods. :)

    1. Thanks for that. Sadly, all the latter have been eaten. I'll have to make another mess!


The Retreat

You can read my short story, The Retreat, here , at International Times (IT). A soul-searching billionaire heads to the seaside to take stoc...