Wednesday 31 March 2021

The Wood

Over the last few days I've been walking up to the small wood at the top of the hill when I've had an hour or two here and there to spare, making this. 



  1. ¡Maravilloso! Walking is a joy. Spring is a joy. Birdsong is a joy. Trees are a joy. And so forth.

    1. Yep. It's great just setting a sound recorder going and seeing what it picks up. There was a great blackbird singing first thing the other morning. I wished I'd had it going then! I wrote down it's tune though. GACEDECG, GACEDEGC.

  2. I don't know this wood at all. It looks a delight.

    1. It's a small plantation at the southern end of Harry's field.

  3. That is such an great video. Beautiful walk there with you in it. Lovely woods.

    1. Thank you. It's a shame those woods aren't a bit bigger. We're a bit short on woodland in these parts.

  4. The first thing I thought of is old ghosts rambling through familiar wood. I wonder if the the earth holds a memory of all her inhabitants, no matter how long it has been since she felt their footsteps?


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