Saturday, 16 January 2021


A day off. I don't work long hours but even so, it's nice to have a day when work isn't on my mind and I can just freewheel.

The sky's blue. The snow seems to be melting. although the field on the hillside opposite is still an unbroken white. 

I did have to unpack the Tesco shopping this morning, We've been getting supermarket deliveries ever since last March. I always wash the packaging in soapy water, which takes time. I guess there are those who do this and those who don't. There is a good case for doing it and anyway, at times like this, everyone needs strategies to preserve some sort of peace of mind.

I usually prop the tablet up on the cooker so I can watch a film at the same time. Today it was Patrick Keiller's film, London. There's short video about it here which, coincidentally, features the 'Tesco's scene' in it. I didn't register the connection when I was watching it this morning, although the scene always amuses me (click once,  then click on 'Watch this  video on YouTube'):

Made in 1994, the film is composed entirely of footage of London, over which a narrator (Paul Scofield) recalls the walks he's taken through the city in the company of his friend, Robinson. Robinson is an interesting character and a mine of information - not all of which, so the narrator tells us, is reliable. It's a powerful film with a thread of gentle, whimsical humour running through it.


  1. A day off is wonderful when you are normally on the job. Even though I am retired now I enjoy a day when I don't have a list of appointments or household jobs to take care of.

    I go out to buy our groceries but I do make a point to go when it is not busy. I also wipe down all our grocery items when I get home. It was recommended when the pandemic first started and it just seems to make sense to me. Like you said, it helps to preserve some peace of mind.

    1. Yes. It seems necessary to have a day when you don't have to do anything if you don't want to except the bare essentials sometimes!

  2. Sorry but couldn't get the video to work.

    1. Click once, then click on "Watch this video on YouTube".

  3. When the pandemic first started I washed everything. Now I just put things in the cupboards and only wash the fruits and veggies before I put them in the refrigerator. I usually wait a few days before I use any of it. I feel pretty safe.

    1. Yes - the leaving everything three days thing is an option. I heard nursing homes here quarantine mail for three days, too. Seems sensible.

  4. Thanks shall try your instructions and report back.

  5. Just watchedten minutes of it - loved the bits where I saw bits of countryside in London and street and market scenes - didnt get the rest.

  6. The video won't play for me. Maybe it's because they scrapped Adobe Flash. London is always a massive source of interest and romance, isn't it?

    1. Certainly is. I've gone on about it here I know but over the lockdowns I've passed a lot of happy hours with John Rogers'Youtube videos of London walks.

      As for the video, I found if I clicked on it once, it said 'Watch this video on YouTube'. When I clicked on that, it worked for me.

  7. I'll try to watch the video later!

    1. The whole film is a great watch. I would have embedded it only it's not available free anywhere (not that it should be).


The Retreat

You can read my short story, The Retreat, here , at International Times (IT). A soul-searching billionaire heads to the seaside to take stoc...