Thursday, 14 January 2021

I Know Where I'm Going

Actually dared to start looking at possible holiday destinations the other day. We've thought about it before but never actually looked into it. First choice would be a cottage by the sea in Wales. It will need to have disabled access. We looked online and found one or two. It would be nice to get away again. It'll probably be months before we get vaccinated but such thoughts are good for morale. It would be nice, too, to have people stay again. The record (set the year before covid, I think) was seven. All the spare beds were full here. Someone kipped down in front of the fire, another under the piano. 

I never thought I'd feel nostalgic about queuing for the bathroom.

It's snowing again. This time it shows no sign of stopping.  It looks to be about six inches deep from what I can see from here, the deepest yet. I've been out a couple of times already to feed the birds but  I've no inclination, though,  to go outside again with a ruler just to verify this! 

Watching the snow come and go when you're stuck at home is a bit like watching traffic lights change at night when there's no traffic. I wouldn't say this makes me feel down - rather,  it intrigues me. 

North Stoke was talking about Powell Pressburger films.  This is one of my favourites. If I hadn't had any online work to get on with this afternoon I might have sat down to watch it:

I like their unique quirkiness: perhaps the most obvious example in this film being the telephone box next to the waterfall. The telephone box (on Mull,  I think)  exists and has become something of a shrine for Powell Pressburger fans. 


  1. I was quite keen to watch that film so went over to YouTube and settled back to enjoy it. Unfortunately for some reason the auto-generated subtitles could not quite cope (would it be their accents?) So I couldn't really follow it.
    Shame, as it looked quite amusing.

  2. I keep thinking I might look at a possible trip away somewhere but I'm worried to tempt fate. X

    1. Quite. We are only looking, not booking. We're not confident we can do that yet either!

  3. That's rotten if you need them! For anyone who doesn't know, I've just discovered you can toggle the subtitles on and off if you click on the three dots in the bottom right-hand corner. It's a great film!

    1. One of the reasons I rarely watch anything these days - useless subtitles!

  4. Walking from your house to mine today would be an effort in this snow wouldn't it.

    1. It would. I've been no further than the bird feeders.

  5. I first saw this film years ago on TV, and then it was on one of the Freeview channels a couple of months ago, and I couldn't resist watching it again. A great way to spend a few hours.

    1. It is, isn't it? I've watched it a few times, too.

  6. The thought of taking a vacation away is sure nice. I'm afraid it will still be a while before we can but at least we're getting closer when we get our vaccines.

    You are having a good size snow if you have six inches and it is still coming down. I imagine you will get some great photos of the birds in the snow. We are expecting snow tomorrow. I don't mind if I don't have too much to shovel. You two take care and stay warm!

  7. Replies
    1. Most of their films, I think bear watching again and again!

  8. Visit me anytime ...I’m not far from a welsh sea

    1. We will. I suspect we almost drive past your house whenever we travel to Wales!

  9. I also watched it, though did skip a bit on that terrible whirlpool bit. All ended well except for poor jilted fiancée. It was almost a film from another planet. I hope you both get your vaccinations soon so that a holiday can be planned.

    1. Thanks for that. I seem to remember we never see the jilted fiancé. I know what you mean about it almost being from another planet. I get that feeling from most of their films!

  10. I hope my husband and I can manage to do something in June for our fifteenth wedding anniversary. Or if not in June, maybe in the fall instead. I've been looking into vacation rentals and daydreaming about the things we can do when this pandemic is behind us.

    I envy you your snow!

    1. Vaguely researching holiday destinations is certainly good for morale!

  11. I just want to be able to visit my little grandaughter again. She's only 2, and they change so very much so very quickly when they are that age.

    1. They do, don't they? And it's weird seeing your children the age you were when they themselves were that little bringing them up!


The Retreat

You can read my short story, The Retreat, here , at International Times (IT). A soul-searching billionaire heads to the seaside to take stoc...