Monday, 26 September 2022


I've just written and posted a free e-book. 'Microwalking' is a pamphlet about short walks. It includes descriptions of several examples taken from Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales. As it says in the pamphlet: 'A 'microwalk' ... contains, in microcosm, the kind of experience one can enjoy in a far longer walk. Scrambling up a stream-bed, enjoying a panoramic view, negotiating tricky terrain, encountering a waterfall or a hidden valley.'

To read it as a flip-book, just click on the link, and 'enlarge' as one would a YouTube video. It is, I think the easiest way to read it:

Alternatively, you can view it on Scribd in a more easily print-outable version:

MICROWALKING by Dominic Rivron


  1. Well done, Dominic! Very fine descriptions of your hikes. Nothing like the safe trail hikes I take here!

    1. Thank you. I don't think 'microwalks' have to be particularly hazardous! I can imagine quite easy ones - stream, trees, viewpoint, etc. The important part of the philosophy is packing a lot of rich, varied experience into a short distance. Someone even suggested I look into wheelchair microwalks only today.

    2. We have lots of nice paved hikes through the forest preserves in my area. Many are wheel chair accessible.

    3. We could do with a bit more of that round here! :)


The Retreat

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