Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Excuse me, can you help me please? I’m terribly worried

I'm a fan of the work of Andrew and Eden Kotting. I'm also a fan of John Rogers' weekly walking videos. I was particularly pleased therefore to see that, this week, John Rogers' walk incorporated a visit, with Andrew and Eden Kotting, to their latest exhibition, Excuse me, can you help me please? I’m terribly worried (runs until Sat 30 July at New Art Projects, London). 

The whole film is well worth a watch, but if you want to cut straight to the exhibition visit, start watching at 12:30. The gallery website can be found here.
For anyone who doesn't know, Andrew Kotting has often collaborated with his daughter, Eden, going right back to his first full-length film, Gallivant, which documents a trip he made round the coastline of Britain in the company of Gladys, his 90-year-old grandmother, and a then 9-year-old Eden.

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