Wednesday, 24 March 2021

The Window

I went for a walk across the fields the other day to a ruined barn. There's a small,  stone window in the side of it that always reminds me of the dark openings in neolithic long barrows.  It's obviously a very modern structure by comparison but the darkness is the same.  I took my tablet with me and recorded some footage. 


  1. Very atmospheric. A window frames things and makes you concentrate on details which can effect your mood quite a lot.

    1. Yes. And when all it frames is darkness it can be intriguing.

  2. Replies
    1. Up the hill from Moor Rd, roughly where the village ends.

  3. I enjoyed the film and commentary. In fact I watched it several times as it felt quite poetic.

    1. Thank you. I didn't think of it as a poem but it's interesting that people do!

  4. My workshop is a former agricultural building. I think the barrow feeling comes from structures which were never meant to be lived in by humans

    1. Churches always feel odd to me - I think, because they stand empty so much of the time.

      I think one can make oneself feel quite uneasy contemplating empty rooms in houses, even. In fact any enclosed empty space. I wonder if there's a '-phobia'word for fear of enclosed empty spaces/empty rooms?

  5. Yesterday after watching and listening, I meant to comment because I liked this combination of a poem recited within a video -- something like William Blake's poems set inside his drawings. Something distracted me. Last night I dreamed that a child told me about a snowy owl who had found a small opening in an outer wall of a building and expanded it into an owl-sized tunnel to a large room inside. The opening looked something like the stone window. There was no trace of the owl. When I looked into the owl's brightly lit tunnel I could see an intriguing room filled with beloved objects of memory for a brief moment before I woke up. Thank you for the poem, the imagery, the inspiration!

    1. Thanks for that. Interesting that it should trigger dreams. I guess it has a dreamlike feel to start with. Your Blake point is interesting and will keep me thinking!

  6. A very atmospheric video and an intriguing window


The Retreat

You can read my short story, The Retreat, here , at International Times (IT). A soul-searching billionaire heads to the seaside to take stoc...