Monday, 22 February 2021

The Proof of the Pudding

A few posts ago I was wondering aloud whether or not to put up some bookshelves.  Well,  after a few more days of  wondering what to do,  I decided to go for it. It's taken eleven months for me to get round to some lockdown DIY but I got there in the end. 

I was a bit apprehensive, as it had been a long time since I'd done anything like it but it went like a dream.  I asked my other half what she though when I'd finished:

She told me she'd tell me once they were full of books! The proof of the pudding and all that. 

I half expected to be woken in the night by thuds and crashes but no.  To my surprise,  they haven't fallen down. Yet. 

The cat was not impressed though. 


  1. Your cat is obviously not much of a reader?

    1. No she's not. Such thoughts always make we wonder... Written words would mean nothing to cats. Just shapes.Not even interesting ones. Since we are also animals, with limitations of our own, what wonders of the Universe are we missing? 7

  2. Looks like the cat's meow to me!

    1. Thank you. I didn't know what the expression meant until I just looked it up. A bit like 'the bee's knees'.

  3. That looks wonderful! Actually it is very much like what we have in one room and we've had books on it for years with none falling. It looks really good filled with books. Now you have your own library!

    Your cat is very cute! I imagine she would prefer the shelves empty so she could climb them!

    1. Thank you. The difference being I won't have to fine myself if I spend too long reading any of them.

  4. The bookshelves look great! Really well done. It's very hard to impress cats. We've tried...many times... almost always unsuccessful. Cute kitty!

    1. Thank you. Their unimpressibility is one of the great things about them.

  5. They look good. Wise words from Karen! (as usual)

  6. Thank you. If it should come crashing down, no doubt it'll be written about here!

  7. We need something to do when we're locked up. It gives us some satisfaction.

    1. Indeed. I must say I've found plenty to do over the last year or so - often things I didn't have time to do before!

  8. I'm not sure cats are ever really impressed :)
    The shelves look good.

    1. Thank you. They close their eyes, their ears can go back, they wag their tails. But most of the time they just look like cats. I wonder why dogs wag their tails when they're pleased and cats when they're angry?

  9. If I were a famous politician on a zoom interview, I would make sure my bookshelves were full of erotica, Mills and Boon, self-help, etc. - which is probably why I am not a famous politician. Anything for a laugh.

    1. Someone suggested I could hire out my shelves to politicians for TV interviews. We though Ayn Rand for backbench covidiots, Monbiot for Greens, Will Hutton for soft centrists, etc.

  10. If you put a nice cushion just above that radiator I'm sure you'll gain the cat's approval.
    I've put up shelves using that kind of fitting and think it's the strongest option there is.

    1. They are very sturdy. It's amazing what a rawl plug can do!

  11. Dear C,

    the new bookshelves look great and they do seem to have been very badly needed. Indeed, surely the cry will go up for more bookshelves sooner than you can put away the drill and rawl plugs.

    In our house, the strange thing is that when new book storage comes along, it is filled as if by magic and one never gets to the point of an empty shelf waiting to be filled. We suspect that is how it is for you too!

    Cats are a law unto themselves....

  12. Thanks for that. For the first time in a long time, I have spare shelf space!


The Retreat

You can read my short story, The Retreat, here , at International Times (IT). A soul-searching billionaire heads to the seaside to take stoc...