Sunday, 3 January 2021

The Birds

Somebody bought Mrs Carruthers a wildlife camera for Christmas. It's a great present. It's now set up pointing at the bird table. We're still experimenting with the settings and the best time of day to set it running (the light quickly goes in the afternoon at this time of year). Anyway here's one or two shots she's captured with the machine. It's really great to be able to see the woodpeckers close up!


  1. Some great images. After a rather long hiatus I am beginning to see some birds return to our garden once again. Have you signed up for the RSPB bird watch?

    1. Thank you. We get quite a lot of birds here - there are a lot of trees! We haven't signed up to the rspb thing.

  2. I love seeing pictures from wildlife cameras. You get the shots you would never get otherwise. The day we got our big snow I kept trying to get photos of the many birds at our birdfeeder but all I did was scare them away. I can get a picture through the glass but that's never a good one. That was a wonderful Christmas gift!

    1. It was! Basic ones (like Mrs C's) aren't that expensive as cameras go.

  3. We have one and for some time it filmed visits from Badgers. Great excitement. Now its just cats and the odd mouse. We just have it on at night.

    1. Now there's an idea. We'd not thought of using it like that. It would be interesting to see what wandered round out garden at night!

  4. Try asking the advice of Midmarsh John on my side bar - he takes some really good shots.

  5. I love seeing the birds that you see out your window there. Beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing more wildlife there.

    1. Thanks for that. It will be interesting to see what turns up! We usually get same customers every day but we might get the odd surprise dropping in occasionally.

  6. Good to see who is visiting! We have been thinking of one to photograph some of the two legged local wildlife who have been harrassing our neighbour....

    1. They don't cost a lot as such things go. And afterwards you can use it on the 4 legged and two-winged varieties!

  7. Love the woodpecker, my favourite though has to be the green woodpecker, poking around on the lawn for ants. A good present for your wife watching birds is very soothing.

    1. It is nice having woodpeckers visit regularly. We're waiting to see if anything else unusual drops in!

  8. Wow, what great shots! Feeding birds and watching what shows up at the feeders is one of my joys in life. I'd love to have a wildlife camera!

    1. I was looking up this one. It's a Campark. They cost less than fifty quid (plus SD card). Lots on Amazon. I'm sure you can spend a lot more!


The Retreat

You can read my short story, The Retreat, here , at International Times (IT). A soul-searching billionaire heads to the seaside to take stoc...