Thursday, 3 December 2020

The First Post

Does anybody read the first post on a blog? Probably only a few people, which is a shame, since it's probably one of the places the writer had most to say - mainly about what motivated them to start a blog.

I'm not sure I've anything earth-shattering to say, though. It just feels like a good idea to type out the things that are on my mind.

My partner and I live in a village in the North of England. Not much happens here, which can be a good thing. It makes going for a walk across the fields into a great event which, of course, it is. Great things do happen from time to time. The rains come and the rivers flood. A few years ago, the Tour de France came past, not far away. However, most of the time very little happens to disturb the still surface of day-to-day life.

Take today. Like millions of other people I've been working from home. I only really work part time and I split the hours up - just a few, each morning, most days. I don't know where we'd be without the internet. Health problems have forced us to isolate ourselves from the world as much as possible since March. So far, so good. We're lucky that we have the resources, for now, to do this effectively. What it's like for those whose personal circumstances make it impossible to stay out of harms' way doesn't bear thinking about. Thankfully, with the vaccine roll-outs on the horizon, it looks like an end to this particular horror-story is in sight.

Lockdown started back in March and, since then, very little has changed for us. It hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be - in fact, not a lot has changed! There have been times when we've felt like going out but the feeling passes. It's strange not eating out - but then I've quite enjoyed preparing all our food at home these last few months. 

One thing that has really helped both of us to get through this has been watching Inspector Montalbano on TV. I'm sure we're not the only people to escape the uncertainties of everyday life this year by transporting themselves daily to Montalbano's Sicily. It's a magical place, one minute almost too real, the next, dreamlike. The characters are great, too: Mimi, with his all-too-human weaknesses, the intriguing Ingrid and Fazio, a walking encyclopaedia, with his meaningful looks. Then there's Catarella who struggles with his words, is the butt of jokes and yet is not only a  whizz with the computer but also often intuits or provides the solutions to the cases. I've never enjoyed a crime drama series quite as much. Thankfully, every episode is available on BBC iPlayer.


  1. A good first post but you've only wetted our appetites for more, so you live in a village in the north of England, work part time from home and like Inspector Montalbano, I haven't watched any episodes so might look it up.. good luck with your blogging, looking forward to hearing more about you and your partner.

    1. Thank you. I have blogged before but not regularly, for a while. There are over thirty episodes of Montalbano to go at and they're all 90 minutes!

  2. Hello! I enjoyed your first post! I've not seen Inspector Montalbano. I'll have to check and see if we get it in the U.S. I've been following blogs for quite a few years but only started blogging myself last January 1st. I'm still learning but I love it and mainly I love the many wonderful people I meet!

    1. Thanks for that. Blogging is great, when one has the time for it, as I do at the moment.

  3. Congratulations on starting new blog. I like your title of As it Happens.

  4. Glad to find your blog right at the beginning. Looking forward to reading your next post.

  5. Glad to see another blogger coming out. I can't remember my first post but I bet I waffled as always. Welcome.

  6. Thanks for that. I reckon there's an art to waffling. You realise this when you sit looking at a screen or a sheet of paper and realise you're completely lost for words!

  7. I am so glad you started blogging. It is a wonderful way to connect with people around the world. I am writing from the far north coast of California. I look forward to future posts and want to thank you for stopping by The New Dharma Bums and leaving such a thoughtful comment.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I have, in fact, blogged before. However, I haven't posted very regularly for a long time and I decided a new start was in order.

  8. Nice post.

    I haven’t see any of the TV series but am working my way through the books. Have to ration them now as he died and there won’t be any more...Camilleri died not Montalbano.

    A return trip to Sicily is near the top of the list to things to do once we have a bit more freedom.

    1. Thanks for that. Started reading the books here (read the first three so far) after watching the series. I think we're half way through our third watching!

  9. My first post in September 2009 was about 120 -130 words, that was a life time ago, I have since moved on and started another blog where I am, I have to say a whole lot wordier!

    1. Thanks for dropping by. My first post in my first blog was years and years ago too! I've had the whole thing deleted so I'll never know exactly when it was. It can certainly be good for keeping one's use of words well-oiled.


The Retreat

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