Friday, 5 January 2024

Wound is the Origin of Wonder

The poems in Maya C Popa's book, Wound is the Origin of Wonder, ask big questions: what can we learn about ourselves from the religious systems  and mythologies we created in the past? (Whether they're believable or not isn't the point here - Popa is looking for patterns and archetypes). What's the world like when we're not looking at it? What would it be like to be inside someone elses head? It's risky territory. Poets must 'go in fear of abstractions', as Ezra Pound put it. But then all artists who create successful art take risks. Does Maya C Popa pull it off and, if so, how? Yes, she does - but it's just that here and there, I found myself wondering. Then again, one thing I learned from reading the book was that the joy is in the wondering. You can read my full review of it here at Stride Magazine.

The Retreat

You can read my short story, The Retreat, here , at International Times (IT). A soul-searching billionaire heads to the seaside to take stoc...